Mechatronics &

Artificial Intelligence

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The Mechatronics & Artificial Intelligence Study Program was established as an effort to produce human resources who master and are adaptive to current and future technological developments. A combination of mechatronics & artificial intelligence will be given to students using High Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) learning in the form of discovery learning, project-based learning, & problem-based learning. So that students are able to produce systems and software based on intelligent algorithms, to embedded intelligent systems (embedded systems) both internal and multi-disciplinary with analytical, technical and innovative skills. MKB lecturers have superior competencies in their respective fields who will accompany students in their learning."

Head of the Mechatronics and Artificial Intelligence Study Program at the Indonesian University of Education

What is

Mechatronics and Artificial intelligence?

Science that studies mechanics, electronics and control engineering combined with informatics and artificial intelligence.

Mechatronics and Artificial Intelligence support current industrial world trends regarding the use of automatic tools and industrial robots in carrying out production in various fields.

profile video of our study program

Profile of the Mechatronics and Artificial Intelligence Study Program Presented in a Short Video

Expertise Group


• Mechanics studies the principles of physics applied to the analysis, design, manufacture and maintenance of machines which are very closely related to the disciplines of materials science, thermodynamics, kinematics.
• Electronics studies weak current electrical devices which are operated by controlling the flow of electrons or electrically charged particles in a device such as a computer, electronic equipment, thermocouple, semiconductor, etc.
• Informatics studies computer technology and data processing with logical processes through programming and computing accompanied by an introduction to hardware and software design.

Artificial Intelligence

Studying intelligent systems with simulations of intelligence possessed by humans which are modeled in machines and programmed to be able to think and act like humans with technology that requires data to become knowledge. the field of computer science devoted to solving cognitive problems commonly associated with human intelligence, such as learning, problem solving, and pattern recognition

Latest News


Let's get to know our study program further by seeing the various exciting activities we have carried out in the MKB gallery!!!

Frequently Asked Questions

Mechatronics consists of scientific sub-fields namely electronics, mechanics and informatics so that in mechatronics you will study these scientific sub-fields.

Studying intelligent systems that are modeled and programmed in machines so they can think and act like humans.

Mechatronics and Artificial Intelligence Study Program is an engineering study program so that graduates from this study program will get a degree Bachelor of Engineering (S.T.)

Mechatronics and artificial intelligence study various scientific sub-fields and are very flexible so that the abilities they have are many and open up job opportunities for graduates to become wider..

The collaboration of the scientific sub-fields studied in this study program can produce a product that is much needed in the modern era as it is now and also widens the range of employment opportunities.